21 March 2008

Word of the day

clinguy, or clingirl: noun. CLEEN-giy, or CLEEN-gurl. Clingy person that insists on staying with you after the relationship is over. She was astonished at what a clinguy he was, since he was still hanging around a month after she broke up with him.


Happy Ostara!

And here's the capitalist-Christian photo.

Have fun!

20 March 2008

The Cat's Ear

Hello, readers, and welcome back to The Cat's Ear. Today's article is Our Zany Advice.
When you're feeling bored, do not confront a prinja.
Prinjas struggle with themselves on deeper levels than most of us can imagine. Pirates and ninjas are mortal enemies, and cannot bear to exist within 5 000 miles of each other, let alone on the same planet. Ninjas object to the pirates' loud attack and obvious weapons; Pirates object to the ninjas' sobriety and quiet dress. Since a prinja is the perfect combination of both, it both hates and loves itself, never certain whether it should be a pirate or a ninja.

To avoid death by both ninja and pirate influenced styles, which results in being photographed in lace and floopy hates while being slowly killed through various means of weaponry, simply avoid prinjas. Prinjas can usually be properly identified by thier ninja headgear, pirate eyepatch, occasional bottle of rum and peg leg, or an asiatic sword. Avoid them at all costs.

Post du jour

Bonjour, mon amis!
Comment vous passés votre jour? J'ai eu beaucoup de amuse, mais je suis fatigue maintenant. J'ai lu le roman Jane Eyre, parceque j'adore cette roman, et aussi parceque j'ai avoir ecriver un essayer dans Jane Eyre et le feministes. L'essayer est pour ma classe d'anglais vendredi, et je ne voudrais pas raté cette, mais j'ai avoir à ecrivé cinq pages et je ecrivé quatre pages. :((
Et ma chat est très mechante, elle saute dans moi quand j'attempt ecriver. grar.

Commentaire dans ces poteau de blog si vous comprende!

Word of the day

crestive: adj. CREHS-tihv Creative and festive, usually seen at parties, boutiques, and funky art booths at the farmers' market. The bangle Jenny bought was crestive with its funky modern color scheme and vintage cameos woven together.

What to do When You are Bored III

1. Start a blog war.
2. Admire the clicky sound the keyboard makes when you type.
3. Learn a new language (lolspeak does not count).
4. Create a webpage.
5. Create siggies.
6. Figure out what siggies are.
7. Put the keyboard on the floor, open up a writing program, and put the cat on the keyboard and watch it write a better novel than you ever could.
8. Save what the cat wrote and find a publisher. Make money.
9. Sign up for an online world. Visit me in Second Life.
10. Start a business - sell anything from cookies to bracelets to services. Be creative!
11. The answer my grandfather always gave - draw a circle on the wall and beat your head on it. Repeat endlessly.
12. Have a party without permission.
13. Have fun at said party.
14. Get in trouble for said party.
15. Reflect on how much fun you had at the party while grounded for several months without a phone, ipod, or anything more advanced than electric lights and flushing toilets.

19 March 2008

What to do When You are Bored II

1. Learn to knit
2. Learn to knit lace.
3. Learn to knit such blindingly, breathtaking works of art that the Louvre starts knocking on your door.
4. Learn to crochet. Repeat above process.
5. Learn to spin. Repeat above process.
6. Write and draw a webcomic.
7. Publish this webcomic daily online.
8. Quit your day job.
9. Force a ninja to wear lace.
10. Force a pirate to not wear lace.


This is hilarious. Once again, I present to you a funny video, found on the front page of yahoo.
Go to : http://www.alloriproductions.com/allori.htm and click the link BUMBO near the top. As far as I can tell, there are three episodes and several outtakes/extras to be seen. Nothing beats intel with a baby.

Also, due to the such positive feedback, I've decided to make the 'What to Do When You are Bored' list a series, posting a nice round number every day. In my book, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 30, 32, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 49, and 50 are all nice round numbers. I won't post the rest of the round numbers, or we'll be sitting here a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long,long, long, long long time. A really long time. Numbers past infinity are round.

So...lol long and prosper!

What to do when you are bored

1. Lock the cat in the bathroom.
2. Start a protest group protesting protesters.
3. Register Republican and vote Democrat [just kidding...]
4. Start a blog and tell 'them' about your fascinating life, documented with pictures.
5. Become a ninja.
6. Fail utterably and become an ajnin.
7. Figure out for yourself what an ajnin is.
8. Become a pirate.
9. Suffer an identity crisis - am I pirate, or am I ninja?
10. Give up and become a prinja.
11. Figure out for yourself what prinja means.
12. Make a lolcat.
13. Send personalized mass emails to all of your friends.
14. Start a newspaper.
15. Blogsurf.
16. Channelsurf.
17. Actually surf!
18. Look at lolcats.
19. Study the development of a modern language, preferably lolspeak.
20. Find the first lolproposal ever.
21. Read webcomics! My favorites are www.questionablecontent.net, which isn't really questionable, Order of the Stick at www.giantitp.com, Girl Genius at www.girlgeniusonline.com, and The Gods of Ar-Kelaan at www.rmcomics.com and drunkduck.com .
22. Comment on all the blogs you surfed on in #15.
23. Make a shake.
24. Taste the shake.
25. Realize you cannot make shakes at ALL without poisoning people.
26. Consider future career option.
27. Throw the shake at a friend.
28. Start a pancake war. Take pictures and post them on a blog. Throw lots of pancakes everywhere.
29. Send mass personal emails to all your friends.
30. Read personalized mass emails from all your friends.
31. Steal email addresses from above emails.
32. Read Master of None by N. Lee Wood.
33. Reflect on how impossible the society described in that book is.
34. Think how cooll it would be if we had all the technology described in above book.
35. Invent all the technology in above book.
36. Wonder why we always use qwerty keyboards.
37. Wonder who came up with the word qwerty.
38. Work the word qwerty into every conversation you can.
39. Look at how funny the number nine is in this font.
40. Wonder why six is just nine upside down, but the words bear no resemblance whatsoever to each other.
41. Figure out above enigma. Email me the answer.
42. Look up the meaning of the word schadenfreude.
43. Laugh at above meaning.
44. Start expiriencing schadenfruede.
45. Feel momentarily giulty you are expiriencing schadenfruede.
46. Feel good about feeling bad about expiriencing schadenfruede.
47. Feel good about feeling good about feeling bad about expiriencing schadenfruede.
48. Get on with your life.
49. Work the word schadenfruede into every conversation.
50. Check the time.
51. Get into a fight over whether or not its tomato or tom-ah-to.
52. Scream and fight during fight.
53. Yell at person asking you and other fighter why you can't just agree to disagree.
54. Wonder what idiot came up with the idea that people arguing and disagreeing can just agree like *that*.
55. Go yell at them.
56. Wonder why we teach preschoolers that everyone is special when it just means that no-one is special.
57. Go tell someone they're unique, just like everyone else is.
58. Become inspired and check out www.despair.com .
59. Email people the dis-pirational posters they remind you of.
60. Write a novel and start out strong.
61. Get writer's block.
62. Sit there for a couple hours staring at the wall and wondering whether that crack in the wall was there yesterday.
63. Sit there for a couple of hours wondering if that crack was there a couple of minutes agao.
64. Sit there and read the last sentence you wrote over and over.
65. Sit there and read the last sentence you wrote over and over.
66. Sit there and read the last sentence you wrote over and over.
67. Sit there and read the last sentence you wrote over and over.
68. Sit there and read the last sentence you wrote over and over.
69. Sit there and paraphrase the last sentence you write over and over.
70. Rest a moment and rewrite your last sentence.
71. Carefully revise the last thing you wrote.
72. Stay put and rewrite your last phrase.
73. Doodle all over the margins.
74. Think you'd probably be a better artist than writer.
75. Give up with the novel and try to paint a self-protrait.
76. See that your self-portrait resembles a flesh-coloured blob with eyes.
77. Give up again.
78. Try to teach yourself how to play the piano.
79. Realize that it doesn't sound like a dying cat.
80. Feel good.
81. Get distracted by a TV show and abandon what might have been a brilliant and rewarding career.
82. Watch Moulan Rouge.
83. Cry.
84. Throw stuff at the TV screen.
85. Shut it off and swear off love.
86. Watch Tristan and Isolde.
87. Cry.
88. Repeat vow against love.
89. Break vow against love almost immediatly.
90. Look at how round the zero is in this font.
91. Watch Young Frankenstein.
92. Laugh hysterically.
93. Watch Wayne's World.
94. Laugh hysterically.
95. Become inspired and start posting Youtube videos of your own world.
96. Become disappointed that you don't achieve instant wayne-ish fame.
97. Blog about it.
98. Hope someone in a world of over 6 billion people will be sympathetic.
99. Be sad the list is practically done.
100. Get out there and do it all!

18 March 2008


I have not previously mentioned this, but all the lolcat pictures I post on my blog are owned by their creators, on http://icanhascheeezburger.com/ . I hope no one is mad that I haven't previously acknowledged their origins.

As to the comment, I do not like to post private information online, not only is it unintelligent because people anywhere in the world can now find private information on oneself, but it also makes me feel like I have no privacy and secrets kept to my chest, even if that secret is only my name. However, tagging - within acceptable limits - is all right in my book.

I had to wash the cat today. He wasn't happy about that. I was honestly surprised the neighbors didn't come over to complain, he was that loud. Cats and water do not mix. Now I have this long scratch where the cat clawed me as he attempted to escape. That surprised me, as generally he does not bite or scratch, no matter the provocation. Poor thing also had dandruff (gross), so i had to comb his fur all the wrong way to get the soap in, only to find that his inner fur wasn't wet. I swear, that cat could be thrown in the ocean in the middle of a hurricane and still have some fur near his skin dry. After the fiasco of the escape, I pulled him out and had to clean the sink - he sheds something terrible - and dry him off with a towel. After I had managed to squeeze out the majority of the water still lodged in his fur, I tried setting the towel in the sunny spot he likes to sit in, spread out all nicely and everything. So where does he decide to sit? Precisely two and three quarter inches from the edge of the towel, on the carpet; I measured the distance. So I have to pick him up, put him on the towel; no one likes mildewed carpet. So he sits there for a minute, then gets up when he decides I won't kill him, since a cat owner is obviously a cat-murderer, and sits just not on the towel, agin. We continue this, until he gives up and walks across to the other side of the room - and bypasses the plastic tarp thingy to sit on the carpet. I just put the towel in the washing machine at that. I've got better things to do with my time than chase after a cat with a towel...or at least I'd like to think I do.