18 May 2007

Watch a sunrise at least once a year.

that is a cool, romantic thing to do, so i really can't say anything else. That and i really don't feel like blogging today. plus, i'm going to show you ALL of my favorite pics and my favorite pics that I drew. in a long, long, long, LONG line.

hi everybody. Own ypingt ni odec. Tills ypingt ni odec. ...er'sh het icturesp own.

look what i found at http://openphoto.net/ i think it's cool oops, it all moved over. it was a very cool pic of flowers though.

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for the full effect go to the website.

now the picture:

that ended up on the top

17 May 2007

wow, third post in a day. I'm on a roll.

cool. now i can post secret messages to y'all. Speciallye fi i ypet ni odec ikel hist. T'si a ittlel ardh ot eadr, utb hat's kayo. Aterzl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111

:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)Ha ha looks like i typed something important but i didn't. Bonus points if you can find the ONE sad face.:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


hi, ok this is a test. kk, if you can read this then the test failed.

Have a dog

woo-hoo webdings! trebuchet is not cool. i think i like verdana. times is icky. and small. It hurts my poor blind eyes. lucida grande looks a lot like verdana. georgia. PEACHES!!!!!!1111 courier also hurts mine eyes. arial is too squished for normal vision. font is boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 whoo-hoo green. hmm...maybe...emeraldgreen is definetly better.


YAYZORZ! my picture has been added (from www.dropline.net/cats)

today's 'instruction'
Have a dog.
Dogs are cool, except for the part where they poop all over your lawn. That would not be cool. And you have to train them, and they smell a little funny. But at least you can bathe them without thier running, as cats do, andyou can take them for walks and stuff and i can't stop typing for more than 5 seconds, or maybe 3, because then the computer asks me if i want to debug a runtime error and AGHHHHHH my arm itches like a mosguito bit me and wasn't i supposed to be talking about the 'instruction' 'have a dog'? oh well. laterz, a happy me says to you now that i can upload images dddddd damn it i stopped typing for 4 seconds. urg. kk, think i'm done now, laterz.

the infallible moi.

p.s. www.questionablecontent.net