Spammers are really aggravating. They come into MY living room, and they leave trash all over the place, blare thier music and turn the tv up WAY too loud. Why do they have to do that? Do we walk into their virtual living room, UNINVITED, and leave trash? Do we blare our music when they're trying to have A Moment? Do we leave all the lights on so they have to pay insane electric bills? NO! So why do they do this to us? They're the virtual equivalent to those people that walk around the neighbrohood leaving flyers that no one ever reads or looks at, just a waste of paper, the tree killers.
So now all commenters ahve to complete an extra step, just a simple word verification, in the hopes of reducing spam. If I have to face one more of those spammers when I sign in...I think I just might snap.