18 March 2008


I have not previously mentioned this, but all the lolcat pictures I post on my blog are owned by their creators, on http://icanhascheeezburger.com/ . I hope no one is mad that I haven't previously acknowledged their origins.

As to the comment, I do not like to post private information online, not only is it unintelligent because people anywhere in the world can now find private information on oneself, but it also makes me feel like I have no privacy and secrets kept to my chest, even if that secret is only my name. However, tagging - within acceptable limits - is all right in my book.

I had to wash the cat today. He wasn't happy about that. I was honestly surprised the neighbors didn't come over to complain, he was that loud. Cats and water do not mix. Now I have this long scratch where the cat clawed me as he attempted to escape. That surprised me, as generally he does not bite or scratch, no matter the provocation. Poor thing also had dandruff (gross), so i had to comb his fur all the wrong way to get the soap in, only to find that his inner fur wasn't wet. I swear, that cat could be thrown in the ocean in the middle of a hurricane and still have some fur near his skin dry. After the fiasco of the escape, I pulled him out and had to clean the sink - he sheds something terrible - and dry him off with a towel. After I had managed to squeeze out the majority of the water still lodged in his fur, I tried setting the towel in the sunny spot he likes to sit in, spread out all nicely and everything. So where does he decide to sit? Precisely two and three quarter inches from the edge of the towel, on the carpet; I measured the distance. So I have to pick him up, put him on the towel; no one likes mildewed carpet. So he sits there for a minute, then gets up when he decides I won't kill him, since a cat owner is obviously a cat-murderer, and sits just not on the towel, agin. We continue this, until he gives up and walks across to the other side of the room - and bypasses the plastic tarp thingy to sit on the carpet. I just put the towel in the washing machine at that. I've got better things to do with my time than chase after a cat with a towel...or at least I'd like to think I do.


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