Sky High
The other day I saw Sky High, and it is the best Disney superhero movie that I've seen. Of course, some of the powers are a bit old (super-strength, flight, animal communication, speed, stretch, fire, ice-freeze, etc.) but others are a little more new (tech powers, body melt, plant control, glow, seperating oneself into six or seven people that look exactly alike, turning into a two-ton rock, etc.). One of my favorites is the girl who has a sort of 'bleh' attitude towards life (you know, the 'why should I do this') she always wears dark clothing, has her hair dyed purple streaks, and shape-shifts into a guinea pig with a high-pitched voice. Naturally, her fur is dark and has purple streaks in it. One boy has a superhero mother and a supervillain father who is in jail. Can you guess what the boy's name is? Warren Peace.