Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, everyone. This year will be, starting on January 29 (according to some quick net searches), a yang Fire Dog year. Thanks to the help of http://www.holymtn.com/astrology/year.htm and control+C, I've posted the following info:
Fire - Dynamism, passion, energy, aggression, leadership.
Chinese wisdom sees a polarity in every element, a negative and a positive side, an essentially feminine (passive, represented by -) or masculine (active, represented by +) disposition, or in Chinese terminology, Yin and Yang. Consequently, each element is repeated twice in succession so that it presents in the first year its Yang, or masculine side, and reverses the next year into its Yin polar opposite.
2006 29 January 2006 - 17 February 2007 Dog Fire (+)
(Click the 'Dog' link for info on those born in the year of the dog) I know that some symbolic animals are not gender-nuetral, so just change it back.( ex. Rooster- Chicken) Or, change it to feminine for females (obviously) (ex. Rooster-Chicken-Hen, Rooster-Hen). Thankfully, most of these things are gender-nuetral, but there are some...
Heh-heh. Happy New Year, people. Happy New Year.