03 April 2008

What to do When You are Bored VI

1. Make up funky math equations that make no sense whatsoever.
2. Eat ice cream.
3. Make me brownies.
4. Make ice cream sandwiches. Refuse to share.
5. Attain inner peace - share ice cream sandwiches with me.
6. Adopt a freshman.
7. Feed and water said freshman.
8. Do not attempt to wash said freshman. We're not even going to go into that.
9. Type nonsense about dancing cats on Broadway.
10. Publish this (on Broadway) and make millions.
11. Give me 50% of the money.
12. Draw pictures of things and color them in the 'wrong' colors.
13. Write a drama.
14. Look at how number four is lower than number one is this font. Smirk inside.
15. Realize you didn't really catch the typo in #14.

My Mad Math Skills

Check out my mad math skills! And to think they don't let me teach small children...

02 April 2008

What to do When You are Bored V

1. Hug a cow.
2. Hug a sheep.
3. Hug a goat.
4. Hug a pig.
5. Hug a chicken.
6. Hug an egg.
7. Shower thoroughly after above activities.
8. Take pictures of yourself doing 'What to do When You are Bored' activities.
9. Send pictures to anyone.ichoose@gmail.com !
10. Write to lily.advice@gmail.com for advice!

I'm glad you're enjoying this....

I'm glad you're all enjoying this, all (one) of you, but i wasn't serious about the 'What to do when you are bored' series - it's just something i do when I'M bored. But if you really are doing this stuff, i'd love to have pictures! I'll post them with their corresponding piece, i.e., _________ making a birdhouse out of ipod earbuds. What to Do When you are Bored LCD #13.

so...pictures can be sent to anyone.ichoose@gmail.com .

31 March 2008

What to do When You are Bored IV

1. Rent a bounce house. 'Nuff said.
2. Follow the instructions on how to wash a cat using a toilet.
3. Make a doctor's appointment to treat scratches. See above.
4. Read 'Endless Nights' of the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman.
5. Ponder life.
6. Ponder the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
7. Have an inane conversation with somebody while working in as many possible references to The Hitchhikers' Giude to the Galaxy. Do not tell the other person you are doing this.
8. Make a superhero costume.
9. Wear said costume around town. Watch stares from passing cars.
10. Walk into a store and nonchalantly buy a chocolate bar. Ship it to me telepathically; I like chocolate and can't eat nuts. Address: www.emeraldmist01.blogspot.com .