Well, school will be starting soon, so we must all crack open those dusty, dry, 'boring' textbooks and start looking at stuff again...soon. Today we shall not dwell on these things. For today, yes today, I have added something else to my mental list of funny things to look at as a dose of laugh medicine. Thins list includes, and is currently limited to: Gary Brolsma-the funniest song I know
Flash Animation 'Numa NUma Iei-this wacky flash amination af Dragonest tin dei (I don't know how to spell it) popularized by Gary Brolsma
The Badger Song-Admit. You've played this at least once for the sole reason of annoying someone, anyone.
Crazy Frog-I have one thing to say to you about this amination: bam bam ;)
yours truly,
emeraldmist01, author ;)