Watch a sunrise at least once a year.

that is a cool, romantic thing to do, so i really can't say anything else. That and i really don't feel like blogging today. plus, i'm going to show you ALL of my favorite pics and my favorite pics that I drew. in a long, long, long, LONG line.
hi everybody. Own ypingt ni odec. Tills ypingt ni odec.'sh het icturesp own.
look what i found at i think it's cool oops, it all moved over. it was a very cool pic of flowers though.
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for the full effect go to the website.
now the picture:
that ended up on the top
emeraldmist we love you!
electromagnetic mummies love emerald mist!
and so do we!
love and kisses.
d-wrecks and zohoe.
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