A new Religion

For those of you unfamiliar with lolcats, it is essentially cats caught doing undignified things captioned in terrible grammar and spelling; it's a lot more funny than it sounds. However, it is a bit hard to understand.
For example, the previous paragraph could be translated to lolspeak as:
fur/4 thos of/ob u unfamiliarz wit/wif lolcats/lolkittehs, iz bashicallys kittehs cahts doin phunee tings/fings capshuned in terrbl grammarz and spellins; iz lots moar phunee than soundz. But iz hard 2 understandz.
I am interested in just how long it will take to create a new "religion," what with referances to cieling cat, lucifer cat, godbunny, etc., there is already a project on wikipedia to translate the entire bible into lolspeak. I recommend the first chapter of genesis, it is most amusing.
Therefore, I have decided to take matters into my own hands; I have created a 'lolreligion' I have decided to call lolcatism.
Highlights include multiple gods (ceiling cat and godbunny, so far), lucifer cat, messiah cat, and such. Stories to be told in later installments.
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